Compute Web App
(ex- SoQut Imaging 2017, quantitative MRI software)

Compute Web App (or CWA) is a web software designed to distribute and run scientific intensive parallel data processing on several machine. Each instance can handle a part of input data and thus CWA is able to efficiently handle data sizes up to petabytes (1000 terabytes), useful for quantitative MRI, for instance.

This software project has initially been designed to manage quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging intensive data processing (quantitative MRI, qMRI, MRI) for SoQut Imaging (2017-2021, official paper 1, official paper 2). Compute Web App may be used in various other use cases. An heat equation solver example using CWA is given, soon, one for quantitative IRM.

CWA has been developed exclusively during spare-time and will be continued as is. It is now open source, so feel free to visit and contribute to this project.

Why not combine it with hMRI-toolbox, qMRLab or PyQMRI?

Its main dreamt features:

  • Fast and easy to deploy,
  • Secured process parameters, data and results transfer,
  • Simple RESTful API designed to:
    • upload data,
    • control and monitor processes and
    • retrieve results,
  • Simple and efficient web interface provided,
  • Designed to run processes in parallel,
  • Adapted to Cloud computing and to dedicated servers.
CWA dans un environnement de type Cloud
CWA in a Cloud environment

Prepare processes by interfacing them with CWA, develop a simple client application for uploading data and retrieve results and that’s it!

Data and results required to be kept in door? Great, just run it on a local High Performance Computer (HPC) as an “on premise” solution.

CWA dans un environnement local
CWA in an “on premise” environment

Use case examples

Computational Electromagnetics

Running heavy algorithms like MEEP FDTD to simulate electromagnetic structure may be time and ressource consuming. Using CWA lets one optimize time and efficiency for large simulations campaigns. Send simulations parameters, run them and retrieve results.

Exemple de sortie de MEEP FDTD sur guide droit avec source ponctuelle
2D waveguide FDTD EM fields simulation (reference)

Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (quantitative MRI, qMRI, MRI, SoQut Imaging 2017-2021)

Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (quantitative MRI, qMRI, MRI) involves processing DICOM files. These files are not designed for intensive data processing and parallel computation. Using CWA, one can overcome this limitation and, paired with a well chosen PACS (Picture, Archiving and Communication System) software, get a complete intensive data processing software suite “on premise” or in the Cloud. This work has been initially done for SoQut Imaging. Finally, why not combining CWA with hMRI-toolbox, qMRLab or PyQMRI?

An example is available on the repository.

Example d’IRM quantitative sur cartilage articulaire
Quantitative MRI of articular cartilage, T and T2 maps (reference)

Artificial Intelligence Model Training

Training an AI model may be time and ressource consuming. One can chose a adequate HPC, deploy CWA on it to send data, control and monitor processes designed with  KerasPyTorch or TensorFlow. Send training data with consistent parameters, run model training, retrieve resulting model and it’s done.

Segmentation IRM du cerveau par IA
From one brain scan, more information for medical artificial intelligence, segmentation example (reference)